There are more than 700,000 apps in the Google Play store. You don't need every one of them, but you do need to download these 10 must-have apps right now.
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When I first created my Must-Have Android list two years ago, the Android Market was still playing catch up to the Apple's App Store. Now, a renamed and revamped, Google Play offers more apps than Apple. Developers are increasingly launching new apps on Android first and then porting them to iPhone. Clearly, a lot has changed. So has my list of essential applications.
A few disclaimers before we get into the list. First, these are *essential* downloads. If you want the 10 Best Android Apps, we have a list for that as well. These are my picks for the *first* 10 apps you should download. And yes, I had to leave some really great apps off the list.
I talked to lot of the guys in labs about these picks, but I should be clear my opinions are sometimes different from the analysts. I would have probably made SnapSeed an Editors' Choice, but Jeff Wilson has some reservations. This is my personal list so it shows some of my idiosyncrasies.
For example, when I think of "essential apps," I don't think games. Angry Birds and Temple Run 2 are fantastic time killers, but you already know that. They will get a million downloads whether I list them here or not.
I've also chosen not to include what I consider no-brainer Google apps, such as Google Maps. As far as I'm concerned, Google Maps is a gimme. If you are an Android user, you should already have it installed. And, this goes for the native Gmail client as well. Google+ and Google Music are neat apps, but they have a way to go before I would call them essential. And while I love the new Google Chrome Beta for Android, it isn't available on enough devices for me to recommend. that are as follows:-
1. Twilight
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