During the past few years, security threats and actual breaches have grown exponentially. Malware has gone mainstream, social engineering has become far more sophisticated, high-profile database hacks have become disturbingly common, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks have rocked businesses across a wide range of industries. These attacks have rendered countinue ...
computer security
cyber crimes
e hacking
internet security
Android Malware Will Expand
As the Android OS takes root in game consoles, wearable devices, home automation equipment and industrial control systems, malware will appear on these devices.
Use of Encryption Will Increase
Shutting Down Botnet Operators
Law enforcement will broaden its scope and focus on a broader set of global cyber-targets, including botnet operators and individuals selling cyber-crime services.
Battling for the Deep Web
Improved versions of anonymous services and file-sharing applications will grow, and it will become more difficult to infiltrate and take down these systems.
Cyber-crooks will target infrastructure over desktops. The first generic exploitation frameworks and mass malware agents for home devices will appear.
Becoming More Transparent
On the heels of an FTC crackdown in 2013, network security vendors will face increased scrutiny and accountability.
Botnets Will Migrate
Cyber crooks will transition from a traditional client-server botnet approach to a P2P strategy that makes it more difficult to dismantle and disrupt their activities.
Botnets Will Cross-Breed
Increasingly sophisticated botnets will seek out other botnets and cross-infect with them to more effectively increase their base of machines.
More Attacks on Windows XP
When Microsoft stops supporting Windows XP on April 8, newly discovered vulnerabilities will not be patched, and systems will become vulnerable.
Biometrics Will Increase
The use of two-factor authentication and biometric methods—including tattoos, iris scanning and facial recognition—will grow.
Top 10 Threat Predictions for 2014
During the past few years, security threats and actual breaches have grown exponentially. Malware has gone mainstream, social engineering has become far more sophisticated and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks have rocked businesses across a wide range of industries. These attacks have rendered countinue
- See more at: http://cyberfort.blogspot.com/2014/01/top-10-threat-predictions-for-2014.html#sthash.xSIAgviJ.dpuf
blog at :- www.cyberfort.blogspot.com
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